Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Dave's Conspiracy Corner is Back! Today's Topic: The Illuminati

Secret societies!  What's cooler than being part of a super-secret society that pulls the puppet strings of every world leader, CEO and figurehead?  Who rig elections, orchestrate catastrophe's, control the masses through media and religion and treat the world like a giant board game, where pieces are moved strategically so that they can advance their secretive and self-serving agendas?  Who use symbols and secret signs to indicate allegiance and demonstrate the reach of their influence?  Some might think it's creepy and scary, some might think it's all a bunch of nonsense, I think it's fascinating!

Among the "secret societies" that have found their way into both folklore and actual historical context, perhaps the most controversial and mysterious is the Illuminati.  While the name "Illuminati" has been used to refer to a number of so-called "secret societies" throughout history, the term specifically refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, which was founded on May 1, 1776.

The Bavarian Illuminati was founded by a man named Adam Weishaupt during the Enlightenment Era and was modeled after another societal group, the Freemasons.  During it's relatively brief initial history, the Bavarian Illuminati was an organization for free thinkers and progressively-minded scholars and businessmen.  Essentially, it was a Freemason group for intellectuals and philosophers.  Eventually, the new ruler of Bavaria, Karl Theodor, passed an edict that banned all secret societies and thus the Bavarian Illuminati was disbanded and most of its founders fled the country, with some making it all the way to the colonies of New England in the United States.

Of course, if the Illuminati had simply vanished from the Earth and all recorded history when Karl Theodor passed his edict in 1784, then I wouldn't be writing this article right now.  Fortunately for conspiracy nuts like me, the Illuminati didn't disappear and have found mention throughout history.  Even better, their notoriety has grown to almost mythical proportions, with the group evolving from a fairly typical private membership society to a shadowy, ultra-secret organization that cloaks itself within the fabric of it's own inflated and exaggerated public image.  For those who believe in the existence of the Illuminati, all of the misinformation put out about them by religious groups who feel they are a Satanic cult or the conspiracy theorists who believe them to be a pervasive socio-political "shadow government" only serves to blur the lines between fantasy and (supposed) reality.

First, the "Modern Illuminati" has no religious affiliation at all.  In fact, according to popular theory, the Illuminati is actually anti-religion of all forms.  Eliminating all religion is part of their "New World Order" to control the world and install their own rule over the Earth.  As for the "shadow government" stuff, well that's supposedly accurate, although there has been a lot of exaggeration as to who is and isn't actually involved with the Illuminati and their NWO plan.

"What is the Illuminati's New World Order?"

Good question, thank you for asking!  The "New World Order" is the Illuminati plan to centralize all world governments, monetary systems and banks, destroy all organized religion on the planet, kill off 90% of the world's population and eventually establish their own government to rule over their "perfected" global society.  How, exactly, is this all supposed to happen?  Well, according to a man named Dr. John Coleman, the Illuminati have a very specific list of goals to achieve their New World Order vision.

  • Establish a single world government, church and bank.
  • Advance their ideas through the use of mind control.
  • Legalize and encourage the use of drugs and pornography.
  • Suppress all scientific advancement unless they deem it acceptable to their terms.
  • Bring about a total global economic collapse and instigate political chaos.
  • Take control of all foreign and domestic policies in the United States.
  • Control the destinies of the population by creating one manufactured crisis after another and managing them accordingly.
  • Weaken the moral fiber of the nation and demoralize workers in the middle-class by creating mass unemployment.
  • The elimination of all national identity and national pride.
  • Weakening the nuclear family by encouraging teenage rebellion.
  • Use and promotion of popular music, such as rock and hip-hop to facilitate teenage rebellion.
  • The destruction of religions.
  • End all industrialization and the production of nuclear generated electric power to create a "Post-Industrial Zero Growth Society".
  • Infiltrate and subvert all governments and work from within to destroy the sovereign integrity of all nations represented by them.
  • Organize a world-wide terrorist organization and negotiate with them whenever terrorist activities take place.
  • Control education in America with the intent of completely destroying it.
  • Encourage the proliferation of religious cults and influence them to carry out mass murders and suicides, similar to the Jim Jones cult or mass killings by religious fanatics.
  • Promote "Religious Liberation" ideology around the world, with the intent of undermining and destroying all world religions.
  • Depopulation of large cities according to a trial run that was carried out during Pol Pot's regime in Cambodia.
  • Support supranational institutions such as the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, The Bank of International Settlements, the World Court and simultaneously make local national institutions less effective by bringing them under the umbrella of these global entities so they can eventually be eliminated altogether.
  • Cause by means of controlled warfare in advanced countries and through famine and disease in third world countries, the death of 3 billion people.  When this list was first drafted by Dr. Coleman, this mass culling of the population was supposed to take place by the year 2000, with the final goal of reducing the world's population to only 100 million people to be completed by the year 2050.
Now, that's quite a list!  Taken in all at once, it can seem at time both fascinating and oddly confusing.  For example, under the subject of encouraging teenage rebellion, Dr. Coleman gives an example of using rock music, specifically the Rolling Stones, who he refers to as "rock gangsters".  While this sounds silly on it's face, could it not be eerily adjusted to address the popularity of "gangsta rap" among teenagers today?  In fact, let's break down Dr. Coleman's list - which was drafted in the 1970's - and see how much of his assertions about the Illuminati and their plan for creating a New World Order have actually been borne out in modern history...

1.  Establish a world government, church and bank.
The Illuminati, for all intents and purposes, is an anti-religious organization.  They see religion more as a means of population control than a legitimate belief system.  The establishment of a central church is more likely about maintaining that control, even with a greatly-reduced global population, than about any deeper theocratic ideology.  Likewise, the establishment of a single, world government is all about ruling the entire population under one set of doctrines.  Also, one global bank ensures that whoever cannot be controlled by a unified church and government will be controlled by a unified monetary system.  Now, so far we don't have a global church, but that is supposed to be addressed after the Illuminati has successfully destroyed all other organized religions.  We don't have a global bank yet, although the most powerful banking institutions in the world are becoming increasingly condensed and merging into fewer and larger organizations.  Plus, the establishment of the EU as a universal money system for much of Europe has been considered a large step towards creating a global currency, which would ultimately result in a global monetary industry.  Of course, once you have everyone worshiping at the same unified church and doing business with the same global bank and spending the same global currency, installing a one world government would be a piece of cake.

2.  Advance their ideas through the use of mind control.
It has long been maintained by a number of different conspiracy theorists that our government, along with most of the governments of the industrialized world, have been experimenting with mind control on the population for decades.  From as far back as WW2, there have been documented cases of mind control and manipulation experiments being conducted by both the Nazis and the US government.  Notably, "Operation Paperclip", which was an operation carried out in 1945 where former Nazi scientists - many of whom were convicted war criminals - were recruited to teach their brainwashing, interrogation and torture techniques to CIA operatives.  In the 1950's, the infamous "MK-Ultra" project was enacted by the CIA, whereby a substantial but undetermined number of US and Canadian citizens were experimented on to test a variety of drugs and various forms of physical, psychological and even sexual abuse as means of manipulating their actions, extracting information and controlling their minds.  These experiments provided the CIA with workable data that led to the production of many different types of psychoactive drugs and enhanced interrogation techniques.  Ultimately, most of the records of the MK-Ultra project were destroyed under order from former vice president Nelson Rockefeller.  This further adds to the Illuminati conspiracy, as the Rockefeller family is notoriously associated with Illuminati membership, as are the Getty and Rothschild families.

3.  Legalize and encourage the use of drugs and pornography.
This is one of the alleged goals of the Illuminati that seems somewhat odd in terms of trying to destabilize global society and bring about total chaos, but it goes to the heart of trying to undermine society at the micro level.  Along with the allegations of encouraging teenage rebellion, the promotion of legalized drug use and pornography consumption is all part of the plan to weaken the moral fiber of society, drive wedges between the population and create a more dysfunctional and ultimately manipulatable populous.  Essentially, the idea is to keep as much of the population as possible either engaged in drug use or pornography consumption, or actively opposed to it, both as a means of distraction and as a vehicle for dividing communities, creating previously non-existent conflicts and breaking apart families.

4.  Suppress all scientific advancement unless they deem it acceptable to their terms.
You could say that this is being evidenced in the recent trend towards debunking global warming and the constant efforts to cook the data regarding the overall environmental impact of global industrialization.  However, it basically applies to any effort to not just discredit scientific research and data, but to suppress that research in the first place.  Things like restricting stem cell research, cloning and other advancements in medical science in particular.  Why?  Because the results of this research is longer average life spans and a healthier general population.  Discovering a cure to deadly diseases or a strain of corn that could grown in the desert are counterproductive to the goal of the Illuminati to kill off nearly all of the third world population through disease and famine.

5.  Bring about total global collapse and instigate political chaos.
One need look no further than the current global economic instability to find evidence to support this alleged Illuminati goal.  The interlinking of global markets to the point that the collapse of the economy of one country has a domino effect that brings down several other countries along with it is right in line with this agenda.  Also, this goes hand-in-hand with the Illuminati goal of getting the entire world onto one global monetary system.  When the individual world economies collapse, a singular, unified economy, currency and banking system will rise.

6.  Take control of all foreign and domestic policies in the United States.
Why just the United States?  Because as the United States goes, so does the rest of the advanced countries in the world.  Creating a global war on terror, for example, is a good way to completely influence the policies of all the advanced countries on Earth as they decide whether they are "for" us or "against" us in our endeavors.  Not only that, but they must also adjust their policies in response to the backlash of our own foreign and domestic policies on international trade and commerce.  The United States is the largest and most powerful economy and government in the world, controlling our policies effectively controls the policies of the entire industrialized world.  Also, when the inevitable backlash results from the subsequent goal of undermining and destroying all independent national governments, that sets the United States up to be a big target of aggression and a big swinging fist to levy retribution on any nation who challenges us.  Thus creating the limited and controlled wars scenario necessary to cull the bulk of the population of all advanced countries.

7.  Control the destinies of the population through constant manufactured and managed crisis.
Whether we're talking about 9/11 being an inside job, the BP spill being a planned environmental disaster, the response to natural disasters like Katrina, the Haiti earthquake, Japan, etc. being deliberately inadequate or so on, the idea here is that the Illuminati either plan disasters or, when disasters happen naturally, they control the response so as to keep the population in a state of instability and uncertainty.  Disasters in third world countries, like the Haitian, Chilean and Thailand earthquakes and tsunamis destroy those countries economically, devastate their populations through disease and famine and cost advanced countries a great deal of money and resources as they respond to them, even though the response is always woefully inadequate.  The Illuminati conspiracist would maintain that this is by design, not accident.  That man-made disasters, such as terror attacks or "human error" catastrophes are planned and carried out according to plan and that the inadequate response to natural disasters that results in even more lives lost and instability in those communities and societies is likewise planned and executed accordingly.

8.  Weaken the moral fiber and demoralize the working-class in societies by creating mass unemployment.
You could look at our unmoving, record-high unemployment right now and say that it goes right along with this plan.  You could also look at the employment data for most of the industrialized world right now and draw and even stronger connection.  The idea here is to create strife and desperation in the general population by intentionally causing mass unemployment in the middle-class.  This, along with the resulting "weakening of the moral fiber" would lead people to desperate acts in order to put food on the table and provide for themselves and their families.  Crime would skyrocket, especially violent crime, which would result in massive casualties among lower-middle class and poor communities.  Other people would turn increasingly to criminal activity to survive, resulting in more incarceration and taking people out of the general population, removing their rights and putting them into a position where an epidemic of prison overcrowding could logically result in harsher death penalty laws as a means of reducing the prison rolls and make room for new convicts.  Essentially, it's a legal holocaust conducted through the justice system and perpetrated by the stock market.

9.  The elimination of all national identity and national pride.
This is a logical step towards moving the world to a singular, unified government.  Eliminate nationalism and national pride and you eliminate national loyalty and any concern about surrendering the ideals of the individual society in favor of adopting the collective ideology of the global society.  As ominous as that sounds, it's actually the basis for the Utopian future societies of sci-fi shows like Star Trek, where the entire planet Earth is ruled under one unified government and part of the larger "Federation of Planets".  In these future societies, all inhabitants of Earth are considered "Earthlings" rather than designated by country of origin.  The idyllic result is a perfectly integrated society where people of all races, genders and national origin work together as a singular, collective society and accomplish incredible scientific and social advancements.  In regards to modern implementation, this is something that would likely be encouraged after the global economic collapse and resulting political chaos as a means of restoring order to a number of nations in simultaneous turmoil.

10.  Weakening the nuclear family by encouraging teenage rebellion.
Again, along with promoting drug use and pornography and other activities that are controversial and divisive, this measure seeks to drive wedges between families and communities and create social instability.  It's all about "divide and conquer" in the early stages of the New World Order.  In order to more easily control and distract the general population, you must divide them along ideological lines and turn them against each other.  Encouraging teenage rebellion promotes young adults seeking to do whatever their parents object to, no matter how self-destructive it might be.  It encourages them to seek influence from outside sources and thus sets them up to be manipulated against their own families and communities.  Likewise, this also instigates a backlash from parents, family members and others in the community who feel that their values are under attack.  Evidence of this has been around as long as back-talking teenagers, but certainly efforts by groups like the German Labor Party in the 30's, the Klu Klux Klan in early American history and even the Tea Party today shows how powerful a perceived attack on "traditional values" can be in motivating a large segment of the population to be angry, segregated and militant against perceived enemies within their own communities.

11.  Use and promotion of rock and hip-hop music to facilitate rebellion.
When this report was first drafted, obviously hip-hop didn't exist, but it fits within the context and in the interest of keeping the NWO agenda current, certainly should be included.  Not to mention, there is currently a great deal of controversy in the hip-hop community regarding certain rappers and artists who have been seemingly embracing Illuminati symbolism.  Jay-Z in particular has been the target of a great deal of scrutiny from Christian groups who feel that his use of the "All-seeing eye" and other Illuminati and Freemason symbolism in his Rockawear clothing line and his music videos is a thinly-veiled acknowledgment of his allegiance to their ideals.  Of course, most religious groups equate the Illuminati with Satanism, which is inaccurate, but nonetheless there is a very real conspiracy in hip-hop regarding a number of artists conspiring to promote the very rebellion that is warned about in this phase of the NWO plan.

12.  The destruction of religions.
This is the item that disproves the assertion by religious groups that the Illuminati is a Satanic organization.  The Illuminati wants to get rid of all religions, not just Christianity or Islam.  The goal of the Illuminati is global domination and the New World Order.  To facilitate this, all competing spheres of influence must be removed.  Simply put, there can be no competition for the hearts and minds of the people of Earth.  Eliminating religion is a logical step in this process, as it is such a powerful influence on the majority of the world's population.

13.  End all industrialization and the production of nuclear generated electric power to create a "Post-Industrial Zero Growth Society".
It might sound a little confusing, but this basically means purposefully curtailing energy technology in order to help facilitate mass unemployment by limiting growth, and also to set up man-made disasters that affect energy production.  The world is dependent upon electric power for just about everything these days.  Limiting the production of that power and making it as inefficient as possible not only stifles industrial growth and job creation, it also damages the environment and creates easily explainable "accidents" as a result of outdated equipment and facilities that can plunge entire cities, states or regions of the country into blackout chaos.  Imagine the entire east coast loses power suddenly in the middle of winter, during a record cold wave.  Imagine the southwest loses power during a record heat wave.  Imagine New York City blacks out at 11:55 on New Year's Eve.  These events would cause mass chaos, rioting and untold loss of life and property and they're most likely to happen in a "Zero-Growth Society".  Look no further than the complete stifling of new energy production technology in America to see conspiracy-supporting evidence of this NWO plan.

14.  Infiltrate and subvert all governments and work from within to destroy the sovereign integrity of all nations represented by them.
It has long been alleged that many former presidents and other high-ranking government officials were members of the secret organization called "The Skull and Bones Club".  Included in this group are former president George HW Bush and presidential hopeful John Kerry.  Indeed many powerful world leaders in both politics and business have alleged ties to this and other similar "secret clubs".  It is believed that they are all affiliates of the Illuminati and that their membership works towards the NWO goal in their policy making.  George HW Bush even famously invoked the phrase "New World Order" in his speech regarding the beginning of military action in Iraq to liberate Kuwait.
"Now, we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order."
Bush then goes on to quote Winston Churchill, another alleged Skull and Bones member:
"A world where the United Nations, freed from cold war stalemate, is poised to fulfil the historic vision of its founders. A world in which freedom and respect for human rights find a home among all nations."
Remember the allegation that the Illuminati would seek to take power away from sovereign nations and give it to the United Nations instead, as a means of putting the world on the course towards a singular, global government?

15.  Organize a world-wide terrorist organization and negotiate with them whenever terrorist activities take place.
It could be argued that this is what Al Qaeda is.  More likely, this would be the organization that secretly funds groups like Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, etc.  The goal here, obviously, is to create global instability and chaos.  Taken in concert with the war on terror, this would be a conspiracy perfect storm of creating both the sickness and the treatment.  Thus you not only have a means for perpetrating massive population control on a global scale through acts of terrorism, but also a passive means of population control through limited warfare in highly-populated areas.

16.  Control education in America with the intent of completely destroying it.
I know a lot of parents in this country right now who believe this is happening regardless of any Illuminati conspiracy.  If you look at the rise of homeschooling, you can see that there is a clear emerging trend in our country against traditional education.  Coupled with the rise of anti-intellectualism in the Tea Party and the anti-collegiate bias of right-wing media organizations like Fox News and it could certainly be argued that there is an intentional movement to not only weaken our educational system in America but also to turn the general population off on the idea of even getting a proper education.  Ultimately, both of these attitudes, along with a steady and consistent defunding of public education will result in the collapse of the educational system in this country as we know it.  Whether this serves a sinister New World Order agenda or not, this is going to happen if we continue on our present course.

17.  Encourage the proliferation of religious cults and influence them to carry out mass murders and suicides, similar to the Jim Jones cult or mass killings by religious fanatics.
This also goes to the greater agenda of population control, but with the added benefit of creating public backlash against organized religion and the extremes to which it can be used to manipulate and influence people.  Look at the recent shootings in Norway by Anders Breivik and the random instances of religious suicide cults, like the group that believed they would be picked up by a UFO in the Hale-Bopp comet after they killed their human bodies.  It is believed that these types of incidents are secretly promoted and encouraged by the Illuminati.

18.  Promote "Religious Liberation" ideology around the world, with the intent of undermining and destroying all world religions.
In the wake of public backlash to religious extremism and violence in the name of one's beliefs, the promotion of "Religious Liberation" is finding increasing popularity.  Already a large segment of the population considers themselves "Spiritual but not religious", meaning they believe in God and have basic biblical values, but don't identify themselves with any particular religion or attend church.  Remember, the Illuminati ultimately wants to establish a world church so that those in the remaining population who still seek spiritual guidance will be able to find it, but first they have to help turn that population away from all of the current established religions on the planet.  The more that global conflicts like the war on terror are twisted into being a war on Islam, the more media outlets hype up a manufactured "War on Christianity", the more this trend in religious liberation will rise as more and more people rebel against the notion of following any organized religion given the messes that such beliefs seem to create in society.

19.  Depopulation of large cities according to a trial run that was carried out during Pol Pot's regime in Cambodia.
Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge government instituted a system of government called "Agrarian Socialism", wherein he forced most of the population of the urban centers in Cambodia to move out of the cities and live on farms and forced labor camps, where they worked towards a goal of "restarting civilization".  During that time, forced labor, malnutrition, poor or non-existent medical care and constant executions of those deemed to be enemies of the Khmer Rouge resulted in the death of over 21% of the population of Cambodia.

Theorists believe that the Illuminati wish to employ similar tactics to depopulate most of the major urban centers in the world.  Although Agrarian Socialism won't be an effective method, since most production in modern society has moved away from agriculture and farming, there could very conceivably be a rise of "labor camps" as a product of continued excessive unemployment and a desire by the majority of the working class to find any means of employment in order to provide for their families.  In a post-Zero Growth society, creating labor camps as a means of massively employing scores of impoverished people from all over the world would be met with approval from the very people who they were created to eliminate.  People who are starving and living in squalor will gladly work in a labor camp vs. digging in the trash for food and sleeping in shanty's.  Once these people are moved into forced labor, they are basically worked like cattle until they drop dead and then replaced with more workers until you have a massive depopulation effect similar to that of pre-war Cambodia.  "But, how would our government allow that to happen?"  Well, think about that the next time you think voting to remove regulations from business is a good idea...

20.  Support supranational institutions such as the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, The Bank of International Settlements, the World Court and simultaneously make local national institutions less effective by bringing them under the umbrella of these global entities so they can eventually be eliminated altogether.
This, obviously, goes directly to the ultimate vision of the NWO, which is to create a one world government, a one world bank and a one world church.  George HW Bush alluded to this vision in his "New World Order" speech, as have other world leaders with alleged Illuminati ties.

21.  Cause by means of controlled warfare in advanced countries and through famine and disease in third world countries, the death of 3 billion people.  When this list was first drafted by Dr. Coleman, this mass culling of the population was supposed to take place by the year 2000, with the final goal of reducing the world's population to only 100 million people to be completed by the year 2050.
I did a previous "Conspiracy Corner" article about this specific agenda a while back.  One of the key principles to the NWO vision of the Illuminati is the massive depopulation of the planet with the end goal being about 100 million people left on Earth.  If you look at domestic policy in this country and other advanced countries, if you look at the minimal efforts by global relief agencies to control famine and disease in third world countries, it is not that big of a stretch to speculate that there is a hidden, sinister agenda to do little more than pay lip service to these problems while being complicit in their devastating impact on the global population.  Why is crime "contained" in the "bad parts of town" rather than actively sought to be eliminated entirely?  Why are third world relief efforts often little more than prolonging the inevitable?  Why are the domestic and foreign policies of the United States and other industrialized nations seemingly focused on separating those in our society who have some degree of perceived worth from those who have none?  Well, if you believe the conspiracy, it's so that everyone who is deemed to be expendable can be expensed.  It's so those people on Earth who have nothing of value to contribute other than their labor can be worked into the grave and replaced until our population is small enough and refined enough to fall in line with the one world government and everyone will play by the rules and the post-apocalyptic Utopia envisioned by the Illuminati can finally come to pass.

There it is, a quick primer on the Illuminati.  There are literally tens of thousands of pages, with various degrees of nut-job wackiness, that go into great detail about the alleged members of the Illuminati, their history and how they are actively working to carry out their New World Order agenda in society today.  I'm not even a big tinfoil hat conspiracy guy, other than my fascination with the thought process that comes up with these theories, but I just easily made some direct correlations between most of the alleged stages of the grand Illuminati New World Order plan and the actual policies and actions being put into place by our world governments and our politicians and business leaders.

So, is there a real Illuminati?  Your guess is as good as mine.  However, I will say this - there is a real vested interest among the wealthiest and most powerful people on the planet to preserve that wealth and power.  There are families of wealth, people who have had exorbitant wealth for generations upon generations who have a strongly vested interest in maintaining that wealth and inherited influence.  There are leaders who want to keep leading, businessmen who want to keep running industries and profiteers who want to keep profiting.  Moreover, there are people in this world who we don't even know about, who avoid the public eye, who are brilliant thinkers and strategists who are orchestrating everything from political campaigns to corporate business models to foreign and domestic political policies.  There are individuals who have the power to control the progress of entire industries at a whim.  There is certainly more than enough concentration of wealth and power in our global economy that less than 2,000 people control more than 90% of the wealth in the world.  Would it be hard to get 2,000 people into an auditorium once or twice a year and work out a game plan to move the world towards their vision of Utopian society?  It's not hard to get 15,000 people into a stadium to watch Justin Bieber sing, don't tell me you can't get less than 2,000 billionaires and world leaders into one big conference to discuss what they're going to do to the other 5 billion of us.  Hell, they're already doing it, it's called the G-7 and the WTO conferences.  I'm not saying I believe there is a real Illuminati as the conspiracy theorists describe, but I wouldn't be surprised if I found out there was.

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