Thursday, February 24, 2011

So I finally did it...

Finally, at the urging of literally tens of friends, I have decided to start my own blog.  In the interest of full disclosure though, the scale-tipper was monetization.  That's right, bitches, capitalism lives and breathes, FUCKING PAY ME!  Seriously though, I think of stuff all the time and now I have an excuse to write it down, just in case some of it is actually worth sharing with anyone.  I intend to use this space as a place to pontificate ad nauseum about any and everything that I get a hair up my ass to talk about.  It will probably be terrible and a chore to read for a while until I learn how to use pictures, sound and video to keep your moth-like attention spans for more than half a sentence.  Until then, I thank you for bearing with me and taking the time to read any of the turd nuggets I squeeze out here.  Excelsior.


  1. Ima follow you like a unic follows Marshal Applewhite!

  2. Like the Hale-Bopp comet, I will take you to a higher level of consciousness, now don't forget to eat your applesauce, and no, that's not phenobarbitol, it's splenda.

  3. Awwww! Look at you, bloggin n shit!

  4. Super. I can knock off at least 2 minutes of bus time reading this. Subscribed.

  5. I'll be there. er... here, or where ever. Hurry up with the pictures & videos etc!

  6. So glad to see you did it DAVE!! Don't worry.. I will proceed with MUCH CAUTION!! :)"
